Saturday, August 22, 2009

Lobster Night at Mark's

Friday night was lobster night at Mark's house. The gift certificate for one free 10lb lobster was given to me by my friend Carol. She is the same Carol that worked with me as a volunteer at Philip's bike run last weekend. She won two of these certificates and being the great friend that she is, she gave me one. She said I deserved it for working so hard at the event. I certainly wasn't going to say no!

The lobster came from Country Diner in Enfield. The owner, Joe was one of the friendliest people I've come across in a long time. They brought out the lobster and I was shocked at it's size. Somehow when you hear 10lbs you know it's large but when you see 10lbs it's HUGE! It took two of the cooks to tie up one of his loose claws and bag him up for me. I was told that earlier one of the cooks had been "bitten" by a loose claw and that I should be careful. (no teasing the lobster allowed) His claws were massive of course but the smaller legs...the ones that usually have tiny claws on them...well, they were pretty dangerous looking too. I took my prize and headed home.

I had already purchased some steamers; little neck clams; corn on the cob; potatoes and a glazed apple cake to round out the meal (and our bellies no doubt). When I got home I called Mark to confirm dinner time and picked some fresh tomatoes for Kaylee on my way out the door. At the time I bought the rest of the food I had no idea what the lobster looked like. Once I saw his size I had a feeling we weren't going to need much else.

Once the potatoes were started we took time to take pictures of the lobster. In the video you will see Mark holding it up and later when it was cooked you will see it in a bowl. That bowl is a really huge bread bowl but it doesn't look very big because of the size of the lobster.

When we were taking pictures of the beast I started to feel sorry for the damn thing. (Elaine, don't start that crap now!) I kept remembering another lobster many years ago that fought to get out of the pot and let out a scream when we put him in. I have not cooked a lobster again until this night because of that memory. And if this is the last time I have lobster it will be ok with me...because I just feel sorry for them. I can't help it.

The evening progressed...everyone had lobster of course and the steamers and clams were scarfed down pretty fast too. The lobster was good but a little on the tough side. We may have over cooked it slightly...but it was still delicious. I actually enjoyed the steamers and clams more because there is no guilt associated with them. And I even allowed myself to have a potato and some cake!

After the feast was over and the kitchen wasn't looking like a bomb went off in there anymore; it was time to start thinking about going home. Maggie (choc. lab) was scouting the garbage to see if there was any lobster available for her. Justin had become a zombie in the chair. KC was once again coloring with Kaylee (every time Kaylee sees KC you'll hear a tiny voice asking KC will you color with me? So cute!). Sara and I were watching a pre-recorded episode of Ghost Hunters and Mark was happily wrapping up the left over lobster for tomorrow. I could feel the sugar from the cake and the carbs from the potato fighting for first position in the race to see who can make me drunk acting first. (adrenal fatigue issues folks...sugar and carbs make me drunk!) I knew it was time to go home. A half hour after getting home I was passed out in a chair.

You know you've had a good evening when you can wake up out of a drunken stupor with memories of a great meal; good conversation; lots of laughter; pictures of all the fun and best of all, no hang over!