Thursday, July 30, 2009

Springfield Museums

This is just a small sampling of what we saw at the Springfield Museums. The last picture is my favorite. It was a wall sculpture. I didn't catch the name of it or the artist. There were too many things I liked for me to remember all the artist for each one. But this wall sculpture just hooked me. It was weird and dark and beautiful! I'd like to meet the artist who created it. I really enjoy the different way these people think and see the world. They should have given it a place of honor. I almost missed it...but it was in the same room with the lizard lamp. I liked that too!
The other pictures here are of sculptures that I thought were interesting. The detail is amazing but it's hard to capture that in a photo. I did notice that the artists seemed to take great care to cover the male "tender bits" on these sculptures...but had no problem showing female boobs all over the place. What's with that??!! And even where you might see an occasional male "member" (member of what?) they are always depicted as small and unimportant to the piece. I say if you're going to show it, make it something to be proud of or don't bother. (tee hee) If I were to sculpt a wonderful piece depicting some mythological person, I'd make that part large and keeping with the entire sculpture...not made so small it could be covered with a half a walnut shell....or so small it looked like it came from an infant boy. Relax...I have no talent for sculpting...yet. (I never rule out anything) Of course my sculptures probably wouldn't be accepted in most museums. Bunch of penis phobics out there.
But before you start thinking I'm some kind of pervert, I want you to realize I like all parts of the human body. And what can be better than larger than life? Haven't you always wanted a giant hand on your front lawn? Or the tops of giant toes sticking out of your flower garden? Ahhh come on...admit it. A pair of giant eyes squinting out from the edge of your driveway?....Now THAT'S art!