Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Garden's Not Gay!

I have proof now that my garden is NOT gay. It's finally producing vegetables and at a rate that's beginning to scare me a little. I just made 3 stuffed squashes and so far I haven't run out of people willing to eat them. That could change in the future but I do have a good sized freezer and I know how to use it. If all else fails I'll be wrapping squash as Christmas gifts!

I'm not complaining. I'm glad there's no more show tunes coming through the windows at night. I have continued to "diddle" the squash blossoms every few days just to be on the safe side. I'm noticing that the zucchini are cooperating much better than the yellow squash. And I do prefer the yellow squash but I'm sure they'll get on board real soon. It's beginning to be a competition out there now and the zucchini are winning. But the yellow are pretty butch as squash goes...I've got complete confidence in them. They won't let me down.

The lettuce at the other end of the garden is really putting out. So much so, I'm wondering why I planted so much of it in the first place. What was I thinking?! I could never eat this much lettuce even if I was a rabbit!

But I can't forget to mention the tomatoes. They were really giving me a hard time in the beginning. I had many firm discussions with those delinquent plants before they finally got their act together. As you can see in the picture, they have finally stopped yanking me around and started to produce. And I only had to threaten them a little.

And I can't forget to mention my flowers. They would be terribly insulted if they thought I had snubbed them. After all the flowers (especially the lilies) have had a very hard time of it. Moles have killed off most of their family members and for a long time I thought they were going to be a total no show...actually could see the dollar signs racking up for the fall if I had to replace them all. Well I have lost most of them...the most expensive ones...the ones that were all planted with particular attention paid to the color scheme I laid out. Moles have no respect for color schemes. But I do still have the lovely dark maroon ones pictured here. They were the first thing I planted when I bought the house. It just wouldn't be right to lose them too.

Hang in there guys, we're rooting for ya!!