Sunday, August 25, 2013

Garden Update

Well the garden has come a long way since the beginning of the month. I still don't have any squash....and the tomatoes are no where near ready to pick but at least I'm seeing some action out there finally. This summer started out way too wet for way too long. I've ended up with a lot more bugs than I usually have; mosquitoes; beetles; slugs; grubs...and they bring in the moles...then the moles are followed by the skunks! All this because of too much rain. Amazing isn't it??

But hey, it's a learning process. I've learned that skunks are beneficial to have around even if they do smell terrible. They eat lots of bugs; grubs and even moles if they can get them. I found a dead mole on my lawn a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately the rest of his family came for the funeral and never left. Oh long as they stay out of my garden I'm not too upset about it. 

So now I'm just waiting for the tomatoes to get big and red. Watching to see if the peppers will make it at all....they are so small and have been terrorized by bugs. And the squash plants are just now starting to get it in gear. They better hurry up because we're running out of summer. This is the least productive garden I've ever had so far. That's not really an accomplishment in my book.