Thursday, July 11, 2013


 After returning from Maine a few weeks ago I knew I had to get my butt in gear and plant my garden. If I didn't do it soon it was going to be too late. I had already purchased tomato plants; squash plants; pepper plants and a few different kinds of flowers. They were taunting me every time I looked at them.  

The problem was that the garden had been tilled so long ago that I now had to turn the soil all over again. And this time I would have to do it by hand. (like my Dad used to do back in the day). To say it was hard work is an understatement. It was hot; exhausting; grueling work and I actually enjoyed doing it. I had Dad uppermost in my mind the entire day while I worked. It was comforting and made me feel close to my Dad.  

Once every plant was settled into their new bed I spread straw all over the top of the garden. This was not something Dad used to do but I've found that it helps keep the moisture in; helps keep the weeds down and is a natural product that benefits the garden as it rots. People that know me, know I don't like artificial ingredients in my garden so the idea of using plastic sheeting has always been distasteful to me.  

Of course the amount of rain we've been experiencing since the garden was put in has seriously compromised the peppers. They have gone from looking like the happy plant pictured above to an unhappy yellowish plant trying to survive in unfavorable conditions. I've had to adopt a more relaxed attitude toward the garden this year because of all the rain. If I get something out of it that's great. If I don't get anything....well, there's always next year.