Thursday, May 2, 2013

Plumbing Must Be Tiring Work

 My first thought when I noticed my kitchen ceiling looked wet was.....Oh Crap! A week and a half later when I finally got the plumber to show up and take a look at it, I knew I was in for a ride. I don't even want to discuss the plumber really. I still can't decide if he is incompetent or a con artist or both. He seemed to need a hell of a lot of help to do the job and had the audacity to try to bill me for HIS hours (some of which were spend actually sleeping in my tub!) as well as some other guys hours ($40 per hr) and I still don't know who that guy was. I even provided him some extra help for free in the form of Mark, who did the messy job of cutting the hole in the ceiling for him. 

 Well I waited to be sure that the job was actually tested out sufficiently before paying him. And I did NOT pay what he billed me for the extra guy. I did not authorize that so I'm not paying for it. I told him this on the phone too...we didn't see eye to eye on that. Oh shucks! Then when he finds out that I've also deducted his tub sleeping time from the bill he's probably going to be very disappointed isn't he? lol

My ceiling is still not put back together yet. But that's ok. Mark is going to do it and as long as Tom the (supposed) plumber has nothing to do with it I'm sure it will end up being just fine.