Saturday, May 25, 2013

Kaylee's Talent Show

 Kaylee's day care center puts on a talent show every year now. This is the first one I've seen. Kaylee is the little one in the middle with the peace sign on her shirt and the white shorts.

 She has no fear about getting up on stage to perform and I was surprised. I shouldn't be really because my Mom and Dad were involved for years with theater productions through the Lions Club and a theater group they belonged to when we were growing up. 
I made sure Kaylee could see me taking pictures so she'd know she had her families backing but it wasn't necessary. The little one is a ham. She loves the stage! And I had a terrible time trying to take pictures with little kids jumping and dancing in front of my camera down on the floor in front of the stage. They were all trying to mimic the moves the kids on stage were doing. 
 I was dismayed to see that someone (not stage savvy) had positioned two big kids in the front line up...effectively blocking the smaller kids behind them. All my time was spent moving around trying to get a good shot of Kaylee behind these two big kids.  I never really got to see the actual dance they were performing. Oh the trials and tribulations of being the family photographer!
 Every once in awhile I'd get a clear shot of Kaylee and she'd have that little smirk on her face that let me know she was perfectly aware of all the gymnastics I was performing while trying to get a picture of her through a sea of little (kids) arms and heads bobbing and waving in my way. 

Next year I'll be better prepared now that I know there is an obstacle course involved. 
Luckily I didn't have to fight to get this last picture of Sara and Kaylee after the show when we stopped for dinner.