Thursday, May 2, 2013

I'm An Over Achiever!

Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the thick tissue on the bottom of the foot. This tissue is called the plantar fascia. It connects the heel bone to the toes and creates the arch of the foot.

I managed to get plantar fasciitis by having a totally awesome time dancing to techno music for hours on end. I didn't feel any pain for a couple of days after my dancing. Eventually I went to see my doctor and was told I had bruised my heel....understatement of the year. After weeks of limping I finally went to a specialist. 

He took x-rays and told me I had plantar fasciitis, which I still can't pronounce. I was given medication to try; told to take it easy and it will heal on it's own. I thought to myself how does one take it easy when ones heel is injured? Stop walking? Stay in bed? Learn to walk on your hands? I kept limping and it kept hurting. The medication gave me violent stomach pains. 

I was given this apparatus to wear to bed every night. It kept me awake for about 4 nights and I often woke up during the night and removed it just to get some sleep at all. I was not allowed to walk in this apparatus...only to wear it while laying down. That meant I had to remove it if I was getting up for anything during the night. I quickly became proficient at suppressing the urge to pee. Eventually total exhaustion set in and I also learned to sleep with it on all night long. 
Some improvement started to be realized but other bone issues in my feet were realized, making for a nice stew of 'that feels better, but now this hurts, doc". 

Two days ago I finally consented to cortisone shots in the joints of my right foot in an attempt to ease the pain and inflammation so I can walk more like myself and less like a woman of 90 yrs old. There was a numbing of the surface skin while the shot was being administered. Just when it was becoming quite painful it was over. I felt very little until the numbing agent wore off a few hours later....then I became well acquainted with both a throbbing pain and a sharp stabbing pain. Oh joy! This must be getting better, right?

I'm sure this will feel better in a few days. I can see and feel slow improvement every day. The swelling is coming down; my shoe fits again; and it no longer keeps me awake at night. A good thing too because I  have a hiking vacation trip coming up in the near future and I can still hear the techno music calling to me!