Friday, April 23, 2010

KC's 104th Birthday

Well KC decided to have another birthday....I don't know why she keeps doing that! As near as I can figure she's about 104 yrs old now. And she looks pretty good for an old lady I have to admit.
The cake and presents were taken care of at her Mom's house and later the gang trooped off to Joanna's for a few birthday drinks. What some of you may not know is that KC is a twin. (I keep forgetting that myself) So of course her brother was at the party too. I got pictures of it all until they got too silly. Then I just gave up trying to make any sense of the evening.
Side note: I had a meet and greet with the infamous 'Corky' that night too. I was told the guy was just about foaming at the mouth to be introduced to me. We did indeed meet and greet each other...and that was about it. Perhaps the man was tongue tied by my beauty or perhaps the natural glow that surrounds me just was too much dazzle for him. (tee hee) He barely spoke a word and most of what he did say wasn't directed at me. Your loss dude. The paparazzi waits for no one!
So here are the pictures I took that night.