Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009 part 2

Like most people I know, Christmas involves a lot of people. I come from a large family and I have a lot of extended family as well. It's just not possible to see every one on the same day. But I tried anyway....don't ask me why. I think they just all expect it and who am I to try to change the long standing tradition of racing around from house to house trying to spend a "quality" 10 minutes with every person you find inside these houses?

If I was smart (and I'm not saying I am) I'd hop in my pimped out chariot (you saw that in Christmas part 1 right?); pack my girls in the cab with me and head for the hills with the first whiff of turkey around Thanksgiving! But I never said I was smart...
and I just keep plugging away each Christmas, hoping I will get to see everyone and never accomplishing that desire. Some of my people get a little irritated by that but most of them have learned that if you don't see me at one party you will always see me at another. And lets not forget that my deck will be available for parties this coming summer too!

So this video is from the second party on Christmas eve, where I missed most of my family but managed to meet up with some of the die hards and a few late gate crashers too. No matter who you meet up with it's usually a good time!