Monday, September 16, 2013

Hubbard Park

How is it that there has been a castle tower in my own state (I'm not talking about the state of confusing I usually live in) all these years and I never knew about it??

Why did I not have a map of the trails before I went there? I found a sign that said trails but then didn't specify what trails or where they go. Should I just strike out on a trail and hope it will bring me to the castle? Naw.... I decided to drive around and get the lay of the land and in doing that I ended up in a parking lot looking at a bunch of unruly Chinese tourists swarming the tower. It was like it was under attack. But that wasn't all...they were obviously being helped by some equally obnoxious American children who's parents didn't seem to know the word NO.

I opted to walk around the grounds and take pictures in hopes that they would all go away quickly. It didn't didn't happen that way at all. Taking pictures on the ledges sent tiny little tremors of terror up my back but I stuck it out. My knees started thinking about turning rubber too so I took that to mean it was time to move to safer ground and check out the inside of the tower. 
There was a metal stairway structure inside the tower....seemed very safe. My only complaint was the place was completely overrun with people...too many people, mostly kids; all loud and pushy, followed by their incompetent, over indulgent parents that were too busy texting to reprimand their kids. One child slammed into me on the stairs while I was trying to take a picture. I refused to give way...instead looked down at the child and said quite clearly and firmly 'excuse YOU'...and then stood there and took my picture which forced him to stand there quietly and wait until I was done. (then I felt like a grumpy old lady).  They really ruined the experience for me.
 At the top of the tower it was much smaller than it looks from down below. I spent about a half a second up there with kids pushing and yelling and I threw in the towel and started back down. There was no appreciation for where they were or how it was built...stellar parents probably didn't get anything out of it either. They were acting like it was a playscape at McDonald's. 

To make up for the tower chaos I located some trails marked in blue and decided to see where they went. It was the best move I could have made...saved the entire day for me. Every turn brought me to another rocky ledge with spectacular views or green grassy glens with boulders and secondary trails that made you wonder where they went. It was gorgeous! And it all led to a serious downward sloping trail that was comprised of a lot of loose rock. This took some serious effort to navigate safely and it wasn't long before my feet were getting painful. We decided to only go just so far and turn around....the trip back up the mountainside was a real treat for the lungs as well as the feet!

Obviously even the trees know how to relax and take it easy. 

The mushrooms were awesome....and built somewhat like small condo's on the sides of trees.  

And they even came in fall colors already!  

One of the many cliffs that gives that oh so satisfying thrill and allows you to see what the 'ants' are doing so far below. 

We even came across a pair of Turkey Vultures on a ledge. One flew in with something in it's mouth and dropped it in front of the other one. Eventually it was eaten and they flew off together. Once again I'm left feeling I need a camera with a LOT more zoom capabilities! I wasn't able to get any closer a shot than this. 

The park itself was very large and loaded with ducks and the point where the water was green. I found that to be unappetizing but hey, it's not MY place. 

Pretty vines growing on the fences. 

The most adorable little stone house. I have no idea what it is used for but I'm quite sure it will look lovely in my back yard.