For me (one of the clueless ones) his opening skit was enough to endear him to me. He came out playing the guitar (very talented) and making 'eyes' at the ladies in the audience...trying to give the 'come hither' look convincingly without saying a word...and then snubbing them for not taking him up on it. For the first 10 mins it was all music and no talking. When he finally decided to speak, the poor man discovered a ping pong ball in his mouth that he rocketed out into the audience! The convincing look of horror on his face was fantastic!
He sings, he plays the guitar and he's one of the best comedians I've seen in person. I loved his show! Oh yeah...and he's quite tall when standing next to him and very accommodating with the picture taking. I felt like a tiny little thing next to him...can't complain about that! lol