Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Girls

Contrary to popular belief Nicki and Bell do stop biting; tackling; wrestling; stealing food from each other and crashing into furniture...every once in a while. Sometimes they even resist the urge to pee on the carpet. And every once in a great while they actually lay down and go to sleep all on their own...curled up together. (come on folks...collective sigh here...aaahhhhhhhhh)
Of course I like to encourage this behavior by not moving a muscle while Satan's Little Hand Maidens are asleep at my feet...sometimes ON my feet. You see, I'm frantic for some peace and quiet these days. Any time NOT spent separating them; yelling at them; taking mangled toys away from them; removing inedible items from their mouths; chasing them to retrieve personal property; or repeating basic words over and over and over PRECIOUS to me! My vocabulary around the house these days consists mainly of two or three word sentences. No bite; drop it; leave it; Bell sit; Nicki sit; Bell lay down; Nicki lay down...and the ever popular STAY! (which is only one word, I know) I've also become an expert at saying their names in the age old tradition of all parents...drawing out the the hope that by the time the name is complete the offending action will have stopped. NIIICCCKKKKIIII!!! It's said as a warning...sort of akin to a low growl before the big bite comes. It is generally ignored unless this technique is used before they are in full swing.

As I type, my little darlings are at each others throats again...literally. They are racing back and forth from room to room charging each other and crashing in mid air. There are teeth being displayed; barking that will make you deaf; and yelps of pain every so often..that go completely unheard by the pup that is doing the hurting. Each dog has a small bald spot on their body..sort of a trophy of war I guess. They are not often the sleeping angels you see in the picture; hence the nick name: Satan's Little Hand Maidens. I no longer find this kind of behavior cute, funny or even slightly amusing. Now I just want to rub a hundred balloons on them and stick them to the wall for about an hour or so. I've written to Santa for the first time since I was a child. And the first item on my list is a staple gun!

Ah the joys of puppy hood! Is there anything better than being responsible for the patch of missing hair on your sisters throat? Is it not the God given right of every puppy to haul her sister around by the collar whenever possible? Are days not created for chewing up every soft item a puppy can get her mouth around? What a glorious life it is indeed when a puppy can stuff herself with good wholesome food and top it off with a delicious sampling of dirt outside. Ahhh puppy's a wee miracle of life on four legs and I am privileged to be a part of it with these two ridiculous rowdy pups.

Having said that I can now rest easy in the knowledge that if this wonderful puppy hood goes on too long, Santa's got my back.