Saturday, September 7, 2019

According To Shay

According to Shay –   (about 2 or 3 yrs. old)

After visiting with grandma (me) for a while it was time to take Shay back home. Getting her ready for bed includes getting pj’s on; taking one last pee before bed and brushing her teeth. Standing on her stool in front of the sink getting her toothbrush ready this is the conversation that we had.

‘Where is your toothbrush Shay’?

‘I’ll get it’ she says.

Upon opening the medicine cabinet I see her brush is right there standing on its suction cup end (a brilliant idea for whoever invented that option by the way). 
She reaches for it and I reach for her toothpaste next to it. I put a small amount on her brush and she says ‘Don’t help me’ and starts brushing her teeth. 
She’s actually quite good at doing her teeth so I’m just watching her and I noticed what looks like a bottle of some kind of liquid soap on the sink but I don’t have my cheater glasses on so I can’t really tell what it is.

‘What is that?’ I say. ‘Soap?’

‘No. That’s sunscream’ says Shay.

What is it??’


‘You mean the stuff mommy puts on you before you go to the beach; so you don’t get a burn?’

‘Yes, sunscream.’

 ‘I never used that before, Shay. What is it called again?’

‘It’s sunscream Grandma. It goes on your skin.’ She rinses her brush and calmly continues to brush every tooth in her head.

I think we’re going to have fun on our vacation this year. We’re going to the beach and everyone will be needing plenty of sunscream at the beach!   J