Sunday, March 23, 2014

We All Fall Down

This barn is on my route to work. I pass it every day. I was very surprised to see it collapsed like this. It didn't look like it was on the verge of collapse. But then is it possible to see something on the verge of collapse or does it always catch us by surprise and make us wonder how and why it happened?  

The barn hasn't been used for anything for years. That was probably a clue. We usually miss the most obvious clues don't we? I always liked this barn. I'm going to miss it when they clear the debris away. Or should I say IF they clear the debris away.
 There are three other buildings that were left to rot on this road. One was a home damaged in one of the big storms we had a few years ago. It was left to collapse too....and then still left for more years before being cleared out. Another home was the victim of fire and stood as a burnt out shell for a while before being leveled and cleared. The last is a home still standing (surprisingly) as a rotted out shell of someone's former life. The old man that lived there has probably passed away. I saw some young men clearing it out...gutting it actually, into a large dumpster. But then there was a for sale sign put up for about 3 weeks and then suddenly taken down. I can only guess why. And my guess would be that the house should really be condemned, not sold. It looks that bad from the outside.