Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bird Sanctuary

The bird sanctuary in East Longmeadow of course has birds...mostly ducks and geese, but the occasional hawk overhead can be seen too. When we went in January of this year it was plenty cold but the birds never seem to notice. I found myself wishing I had brought some bread to feed them but on our way out I saw various people tossing bread to them. They certainly do not go hungry. 

This was a nice surprise to see.....the humpy house of the beaver (that's the Latin name for them). I've been seeing evidence of beaver activity everywhere this past year. But strangely enough I never see the actual animal and I suspect that these 'condo's' I'm seeing are not currently in use. I hope to be proven wrong some day.....and I hope to have a camera in my hand when that happens.

And then we came across this sign that said Mort and Helen Bates Trail. They have a trail named for them! I was jealous...until I looked to the right................

And realized THIS was Mort and Helen's trail! And now I'm wondering if Mort and Helen were good swimmers!