Sunday, January 13, 2013

Scantic River Walk Discovery

While walking along the rivers edge with Bell we found some ducks having a great old time in the river current.  

The river looked beautiful. And although it was a very cold day I had to keep Bell from going in the water.

And then I found this along a path I had never taken before. A camp of sorts. At first I thought maybe teenagers had made it. But it's really too well done for teens. Then I thought it might be that 
some homeless person was trying to make a place to live...who knows? But when I really looked a little closer I started to get a bit uneasy. Although the camp looks to be left unfinished....abandoned even...I didn't like that it was created above the normal walk way. It can't be seen from that walk way but anyone at the camp could easily spy on people below. And there lies the creep factor.  

I decided since my only companion was Bell and I was freezing anyway....I'd just wander on home and make myself some hot chocolate. So that's what I did.