Thursday, June 17, 2010

Garden 2010

I planted peas in the garden for the first time this year and I have to say I'm a little impatient with them. When I was growing up it always seemed like the peas would just suddenly be there for the picking. (I must have missed all the work) Now that I've finally planted some of my own for the first time...well, they seem to take forever! Aside from having a hankering for raw peas (love to eat them as I pick them) I want them out of the way so I can plant some squash in their spot. (I will plant another round of peas in the fall.)
It's not like they aren't doing anything, they are. They have blossoms and actual pods are growing nicely. I've picked a few and they were delicious but it just seems to be taking forever for those pods to fill out and I'm in a hurry! Hurry up peas!!

At the other end of the garden this year I've got Kale for the first time too. I ate some for the first time last year (Oh, what I've been missing all these years!) and I loved it! So this year I decided to give it a try. I think it's coming along very well.

Next to the Kale I planted onions. I don't really know why. I don't like onions too much. I think I just like to grow food and Justin likes them so in they went. They must be easy to grow too because they seemed to sprout a couple of inches practically overnight.

I also couldn't help but notice that the lettuce from last year has reseeded itself in various places and is determined to grow. I think it would have been nice had they 'asked' me if it was ok to grow there but you know how arrogant lettuce can be. I've taken some out (kicking and screaming all the way) that were in really odd places. A few I've left where they are for the moment. If they end up being in my way well they will have to go. Maybe that will teach them to make a reservation for growing space next time!

I'm trying to make the time to put my squash plants in today. I bought them too early and they are all spindly looking now. I was tempted to replace them but that's rather wasteful considering they aren't actually dead....they just look ugly. And rather than have the tomato plants die (which were also bought too early), I stuck two plants in each planter. Not a good move but at least they are still alive. I will have to separate them into more pots today also. That's what I get for buying plants too early just because the weather was warmer than normal...double the work.

Here's some pictures of the garden in it's early stages. I did manage to pick a few peas today. Yummy!