Sunday, January 24, 2010

Karma Hug

Have you ever wondered if the Universe can hear you? Have you ever felt that Karma is working for you or watched it screw up a friend while you stand by helplessly and can do nothing? Did you know it was going to happen or did it catch you by surprise? Was it good Karma or bad?

I found I lost an important person in my life. He was vital to me and I didn't really realize it until I discovered he was dead...killed in a car accident.( I will speak further of him in another blog post.) The same day I gained a friend who is artistically inspired and so happy with life that it shows in everything he creates. Also that same day I received contact from another friend long lost to email out of the blue. And yet another person who has long been important to me, yet we have been apart..also made contact with me. I hope there will be more involvement with all these people that the Universe has brought to me but I can't help wondering why? Why did this all happen in the same day? Why the roller coaster ride of emotions? Was I supposed to see something here that I missed? Am I feeling something that really means nothing?

I don't know what it all means....hopefully I will in time. Maybe it just boils down to when one door closes another opens...and all you have to do is pay attention, listen to your inner self, and carry it forward into fruition. For the time being I will trust in Karma and hope that brighter skies are in my future. I need sunshine in my life; bring it on Karma!