Wednesday, August 19, 2015

More Class Photo's

The top photo is my 2nd grade class with Mrs. Wilson being the teacher. To tell the truth I don't remember that teacher at all. A friend of mine filled me in on who she was. Can you pick me out in the group?

This picture is my 5th grade class and the teacher was Mrs. Frink. Interesting fact about her; she was also my Mother's teacher before me. Mrs. Frink was mean as the point where you'd think she was hired to terrify children and destroy their self-esteem. She picked on certain kids unmercifully and I was too young to know I should have reported her for it. She also kept apples and oranges and such things in her ample bosom. I credit her for my aversion to math to this day. Her 'teaching' techniques were outdated and her personality was outright mean. 
In the photo I am stuck behind her big ass head so you can't see me. She should have been standing to the side like the other teacher's all did....and I can only assume the photographer was too afraid of her to dare correct her. This photo was not mine (not sure my parents bothered to buy the class photo that year) but came from a classmate. Bonus points to whomever drew the mustache on her!!