Saturday, July 7, 2012

North Hampton Art Festival

I believe it was during the last week of May that we attended the North Hampton Art Festival. It was small...small enough to make me wonder how it could have qualified as a Festival. But then I'm not really sure what the qualifications are for a festival. And how would that be different from say....a gala or a fair? Ok, so we attended this tiny festival.

Some of the art on display blew me away and many of the items would have loved to come home and live with me I'm sure. But alas...I haven't got large quantities of disposable income. In other words, art ain't cheap. But I didn't let my lack of funds stop me from appreciating the talents of the various artists. And I took pictures of some of my favorites.

I did catch some flack for my picture taking too. Some guy, who claimed not to be offended by pictures being taken of HIS art, came up to me and told me that it was not the thing to take pictures of anyone's art without asking first. I was floored and confused. First I was wondering why he would be saying anything if he wasn't offended. Who was he speaking for and why can't they speak for themselves? Is there really anyone that's offended at all? Second...and more importantly...are you kidding me??!!
He seemed very vague and unable to clarify why picture taking was a bad thing. He never really gave me a reason why at all...just said it was rude not to ask the artist first. I told him I should think they'd be flattered if nothing else.

It wasn't until much later that it occurred to me that they might be afraid of being copied. But then, that idea was shot down because they have websites and anybody can go there and get a copy of their artwork. Their ideas are never safe once it's displayed to the world. Plus I was open and honest about my picture taking while others were using their cell phones...which seems kind of sneaky to me.
After speaking to a few people about this incident another thought came to me. If they don't want pictures taken they need to post that where people can see it. There were no signs of any kind anywhere...just price tags. far as I'm concerned, case closed. I will continue to take pictures, especially at that 'festival' until they start posting signs telling me not to. Ain't I a stinker??