Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Somers Pond

My gut knew that Somers Pond was really a swamp in disguise long before I was ever talked into going there to kayak. I don't mind swamps....they are wonderful places for discovering all kinds of animal and plant life that we don't normally get to see. But I really had no desire to kayak in a swamp. That just seems kind of ....well, yucky!

What if one were to fall into that yucky swamp water? What if a snake or something equally icky were to somehow get in the kayak with me? What if that oh so gross green slime touches me? And what IS that smell anyway??!!

Well for the most part I was perfectly safe on that swamp. No snakes were seen, just turtles; birds; dead floating snail shells and something unseen that lives below the surface and likes to jump up creating splashes or rings on the surface of the water when you're not looking. It was probably a huge green swamp monster with a sense of humor....yeah, that was probably it.

Some of the snail shells were gathered, emptied of their putrid water and assorted gross stuff, and brought home for 'future projects'.....whatever that may be. This was Kaylee's idea but I didn't fight her very hard on it. I like the way the kid thinks even if the snail shells were totally disgusting to have to touch. And it was her first time in my kayak with me so I had to make sure she had a good time, right? We later bought various glue oozing utensils and a variety of colored glitter and brushes. This project promises to be a doosy! (Is that how one spells doosy? Spell check is ignoring it.)

The swamp/pond turned out to be not only interesting but huge! We were out there for at least an hour and never saw the whole thing. And of course that was used to get me to promise to go again. How do I get myself into these things?
Here are a few of my favorite things....from the swamp. No photo of the swamp monster yet, sorry.