Saturday, November 19, 2011

Check Yea Weapons At The Door

Long long ago in a land far away and sparsely populated by their kind.....a horde of amazon women descended upon an unsuspecting merchant's establishment. Much food was ordered and consumed and many laughs were enjoyed. The hapless waiter was unceremoniously dumped into the fray and ordered to attend them. Defenseless and completely at the mercy of these amazons he soon joined in with the merriment, having seen no way to escape it.

Some local inhabitants were less than amused by the raucous laughter and general merriment of the group but they were cowed by the amazons and dared not voice a complaint. Other locals joined in with the laughter and enjoyed the unusual spectacle in their realm....often laughing while banging their own tankards on tabletops demanding more ale as well.

When finally the meal was done and the tankards were drained it was time for the amazons to move on to their respective villages, to sleep the sleep of the seasoned warrior. They had lived another day and lived it well, enjoyed the company of their fellow warriors, strengthened the bonds of friendship and dominated all lands and people they encountered. Now the embers glow red beneath the dying fire as the innkeeper stifles a yawn and the waiter scrambles for coins tossed at his head before tucking them safely away. The friends bid farewell and move off into the night. The soft metal clinking of armor and weapons fades slowly with them.