Saturday, June 11, 2011

Enfield Storm Damage

This past Thursday we had thunder storms rip through the area. These are pics from my neighborhood in Enfield. There are homes a couple of streets up the road from me that have been without power since Thursday. I'm hoping the power will have been restored for them today.

My friend Paul...always in the thick of things when help is needed. He's been without power for days himself but he's the first person in line to help out. That's his dog, Jody laying in the grass. She's so well trained, it's amazing! Not many dogs would stay near a chainsaw in operation.

It seems like the oak trees have been taking a beating with these storms.

Another beautiful oak bites the dust.

I called in this leaning pole to the police Thursday. This is how they are handling it until they have men free to do a permanent fix.

I was talking to one of the neighbors while we watched the linemen fix the wires. He pointed out that the trees that were destroyed were in a direct line with each other. The weather channel had said that the wind during this storm was trying to form a tornado but that was happening in the southern end of Ct. My neighbor thinks we almost had a tornado in our neighborhood too. After seeing the pattern he pointed out, I'm inclined to think he may be right. We were lucky this time.