Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Flu Aftermath

So, it was my understanding that once you've had the flu you've sort of earned the right to vibrant health, right? You should be absolutely glowing with your healthy vibe!

Yeah, that's what I thought too. Only I'm not glowing at all....I'm not even showing a dim light...and I'm certainly not vibrant. I'm still sick!

I don't have the flu anymore that's for sure but instead of all those symptoms..I've sort of morphed into a new arena of illness, which of course is just not fair. Now I've got bronchitis and with that comes a very odd feeling stomach that doesn't want to eat anything without suggesting I might vomit...it doesn't actually happen..it's just a suggestion after all; yet I still get the hunger pangs just for the fun of it anyway. With that comes some pressure in the old face and occasional shooting pains in the ears and a dizzy head. Lets not forget the exhaustion...pure exhaustion....but that doesn't mean I get to actually sleep. No, I'm kept awake for no reason other than so I'll know that I'm wicked tired. Unless of course I'm on the bus or at work...then it seems I'm pretty capable of falling asleep for 15 min intervals....only to be jerked awake suddenly feeling like I've got a bad drunk going on. Attempts to smile apologetically usually end up as more of a grimace....but I don't care really...I'm just too tired.

Today was my first day back at work in a little over a week. I was actually sorry I went back to work once I got there. I just wanted to go to sleep. And through out the day various people would cruise by be, asking how I am, seeing how I look and deciding I don't need to answer that question after all. Some would make dramatic left or right turns to avoid getting too close to me...calling out 'hope you feel better soon' as they swerve away from the sick zone. Others stopped by (brave souls!) to give unwanted suggestions on what I should do or what I should take to feel better. One actually stopped and said I looked white. I thought I had been white my whole life but apparently I've reached a new level of whiteness. But it's the ones that stop and want a blow by blow description of how I feel and what I'm taking that really tax me. I'm too tired to go into it folks...I feel crappy...can't we just leave it at that for now? I'll let you know everything you want to know just as soon as I'm healthy and well rested...promise!