Independence Day means a lot of things to a lot of people. The celebration of our freedom; pride in being an American; love of our country for example. But in this case it means the right to bare arms.......and I do mean bare well as a few other body parts as the evening went on.
Yes, my "peeps" know how to celebrate the 4th of July. And this 4th of July party was no exception. It started out like most parties, a couple of drinks, a few laughs, more family and friends arriving. The fireworks are set up and a few of the smaller ones have been lit. This is just the warm up; the pre-game if you will. Some of the larger fireworks are brought out, spinning pinwheels; sparkling fountains; fire crackers and sparklers for the younger kids. Everyone is enjoying themselves. And then the neighbor down the road a bit started his display. And what a display it was! He and some friends had set up in the field across the street; plenty of room there with no trees to get in the way. And it's a good place to pick because his fireworks rivaled some of the displays put on by the town over the years! They were magnificent to say the least. I found myself watching huge bursts of brilliant colors that went well above the tree top level and I was impressed! It's not every 4th you see this kind of display in a neighborhood area. And the best part was there wasn't a cop in sight and they never showed up the whole night. Wonderful and yet curious, because I'd be willing to bet money that if I had put on this kind of fireworks display, the police would have had me in the back of the cruiser before the smoke cleared.
So while this is going on, our little party decided to try to compete with the big boys across the street. The results? Well it was dueling fireworks! And I was standing in the right spot evidently because I had a clear view of both sides.
Now I'm not saying that our party was able to really compete against the level of fireworks the neighbor had...but we put our hearts into it and it was almost poetic. Our side of the road put out the steady, yet smaller bursts, in between the larger and louder ones the neighbor sent up. It was very complementary and could almost have seemed like it was choreographed. And when it was all done, the grand finale was met with a loud round of cheers and applause. But that wasn't enough for our gang...somehow it never is.
Justin and Mike (an unlikely duo for sure) were hatching a scheme designed to top the neighbors performance and crash their party at the same time. And somehow it always involves Justin taking some article of clothing off! Hmmmm...that boys got pagan stripper blood in him somewhere. So before everyone even knew the plan Justin had his shirt off (we talked him out of taking his pants off); had two huge sparklers in hand and Mike had gone to get his American flag. And off they go running down the sidewalk, heading for the neighbors yard party; a small band of drunken party goers following in their wake. And very sloppy runners they were too. Not a marathon runner in the bunch. Unfortunately for the me, as the blogger photographer of the party, I had to run to catch up to them too. Luckily for me they had to stop to light the sparklers for their grand entrance or I never would have gotten a picture of this event.
And that's what it was...a grand entrance...or at least they thought so. They came tearing through the party screaming at the top of their lungs, waving the flag and sparkling all the way! However, the reaction they got from the unsuspecting party goers was less than enthusiastic. Apparently that group of partiers had been drinking just as much or more than our group and they were more stunned (in a stupor perhaps?) than anything else. Eventually they did manage to put forth a small cheer and many wishes for a happy 4th of July....but it took a minute or two for them to decide they weren't being invaded I think. (Relax guys, no need to defend the keg)
The walk back after such a display was rather anticlimactic. Jake lost his beer somewhere along the way and was whining about it. Justin had to put his shirt back on (always a disappointment to him). Mike was left behind somewhere in the crowd. And Stacey was complaining that nobody waited for her. But me? Oh I was happy...giddy even...because I was the sober one and I got the picture. (or evidence, as I prefer to call it)
Yes, it was a 4th of July to remember. And remember it we will. But how in the world are we ever going to top it I wonder??