The pictures above are of the trails and the mushrooms we encountered and one shot of Bunny peeking from behind a tree. She made me laugh doing that so I had to get a picture of it.
It wasn't sunny enough for me the day we were there. The sun would tease us by coming out for a while, we'd get in the water and the breeze would start up while the sun ducked behind clouds. This kept happening most of the day. The water was just chilly enough for me not to want to actually swim...knowing that the breeze would be too cold once I got out of the water. So I got as high as my waist and spent some time wiggling my toes at the "killer attack fish"...who couldn't seem to remember they had already tried tasting them. Fish must have a 3 second memory. But they are cute just the same.
I had hoped to bring my inflatable kayak to the lake that day, but never having taken it out of the box, I had no idea how time consuming a job it was to inflate it. I left it in my living room...frustrated, but determined to get to the lake anyway. I did manage to blow it up (it comes with it's own pump) later that night. And now it's sitting in the middle of my living room. I guess I didn't think that one out before hand. I don't know where to store the thing. It's a lot more sturdy than I expected and larger too. I got it for free via a program through work and never opened the box until now.
Anybody up for some living room kayaking?? Bring your own attack fish!