The odd blueish, purple thing is a mushroom. I was finding all kinds of different mushrooms with some really different colors. This place is the best place I've ever seen for really colorful mushrooms but I usually see them earlier in the year. Prior to finding this place I never knew wild mushrooms came in so many colors. They are really amazing to see. They all seem to come out around the same time so within a few yards distance you can have 5 or 6 different colored ones all along the trail. It's one of nature's pleasant little surprises.
And the orange salamander would be another one. I had never seen an ORANGE salamander before and I was really excited about it. I called to Bunny to come and see him...she and Randi had walked right by him without noticing. He never moved a muscle. She didn't seem all that thrilled but she indulged me like I was her easily excited "slow" sister or something.
But I still maintain that an orange salamander is something special. And to find him "playing statue" at the same time I was finding so many different colored mushrooms...well, maybe I am easily impressed...but I just had to get a picture of him. And I'm thankful that he stood perfectly still while I did that...another thing salamanders are not know for...standing still.
He was a nice little dude. I hope I meet him again.