I've always had an interest in costumes and all the variations that come from that field. Some friends think I have an abnormal interest in dummies....you know, mannequins. I love them. But I love them because I have SUCH ideas in my heads for what they can be used for! Of course they would all be based around Halloween and they would just HAVE to be animated somehow....if only I knew how to do it. The world would never be the same. ha ha But I digress.
Halloween this year was exciting and exhausting. I was Lady Elaine...the Lady of the Manor. Carol was a Groovy Chick from the 60's. We had such a great time and I caught some of the highlights with my camera. Unfortunately once again I've over done it with the photo's and I'm unable to post the video I made. (too big I guess) So I'm forced to put up the best photo's and hope you can get a sense of how the evening went.
Let me first say that there are some costumes that I have to mention because they impressed me and the people wearing them "played the part", which is a huge plus to me. The best costumes were: Groovy Chick (of course!); Little Mushroom Girl (KC- actually handed out mushroom shaped candies...looked more like penis' to me. ha ha); The Pimp (Justin); Pirate Wench (sexy one of course); Little Red Riding Hood (sexy version); Baby Hughey (definitely NOT sexy!); Shrek (green faced!); Marilyn Monroe & President Kennedy; God of Pot (complete with ounce bags of pretend weed); and let us not forget a Knight from the Crusades (he was a big one too!)
People were very friendly and not a single fight broke out all evening. That is rare with the amount of alcohol they were sucking down. I received a great deal of complements from both the boys and the girls..that was nice. One extra friendly fella gave me such a big bear hug with a sloppy wet kiss, I thought I had lost a contact! And you would have thought that would have put me on my guard but it happened a few more times during the evening...and it wasn't always the boys that were planting kisses on me! But eventually I learned not too get too close when I took their picture...and the occasional well placed elbow jab came in handy too. And when the elbow jab wasn't possible a whispered threat out of the corner of my mouth worked like magic. Turns out I'm extremely adept at threatening someone while smiling for the camera!
But before I have you believing that I was spending the evening in a pit of molesters from Hell...I did have quite a few gentlemen to defend me as well. Something about The Lady of the Manor costume must have kicked in their damsel in distress gene! (very sweet of them)
So rather than continue explaining the evening lets just see some pictures, shall we? These are not all the pictures I took that night but at least these are some of the best of them. I hope you enjoy them. It was an evening I won't soon forget!