Monday, October 26, 2009

Bell Needs to Carry Pepper Spray

So much has been going on lately I've barely had time to think.
I've been doing all kinds of general work around the house while at the same time taking care of Nicki; trying to make sure Bell isn't ignored; and almost frantically trying to finish that damn deck!

Today Justin and I took both dogs to "play tennis"...which really means the dogs run crazy within a safe and confined area while we make sure they aren't eating any rocks or sticks. They have a real talent for finding rocks to eat. They ran their legs off for a bit and Nicki was the first one to slow down and catch her breath.

There was someone there with two other dogs. They must have had the same idea (contained play) because Nicki was making friends through the fence. I noticed Bell was keeping her distance a little and letting Nicki take the lead. I'm not surprised that Bell hangs back now. She's the one that keeps having scary incidents with other dogs while we are on our walks. I don't know why it keeps happening to Bell...poor little girl. Just the other night I was walking her and saw two women coming towards us with their dog. I yelled out to ask if their dog was friendly. They said yes, he's friendly. As I got closer to them I explained that I want to socialize my pup if he's ok with young dogs. Again, they agreed he was friendly. He was only a medium size dog but still bigger than Bell. She had no fear of him and they were nose to nose for about a minute or two. Suddenly the other dog attacked Bell with no warning. He just lunged at her, snarling and biting at her face! Luckily Bell jumped back and I yanked her leash away from him in time. She got really shaken up by it but she wasn't hurt.

While I was checking Bell over the two women asked if she was ok. I said yes, I don't think he actually bit her. And then the other woman said he wasn't trying to bite her, he was playing! My head snapped up and I looked at her with total disbelief. I couldn't believe she just said that. I said: He just attacked her! That was NOT playing!! I talked to Bell to sooth her and we moved away. I didn't even look at them again but Bell did. She kept looking behind her like even SHE couldn't believe they thought that was playing.

As the whole incident started to sink in I started getting more and more angry. What the hell is wrong with people that would tell you their dog is friendly..when it's not and then tell you he was playing when he almost took a chunk out of her?? Are they that clueless or are they complete morons?? That was a really serious situation that could have had a really bad ending. I don't think I'm going to try socializing my dogs on the street anymore. They will be starting training this week anyway so they will be meeting other dogs there. Apparently people on the street just can't be trusted to even know their own dog. And from now on I'm going to be carrying my pepper spray too.
Better watch you step there bite my dog and you're going to get a face full of pepper! (and I just might spray the owner while I'm at it too. ha ha)