Wednesday, July 27, 2011

About Dad

Dad's been gone for a year now. I find it amazing that it's been that long but the calendar doesn't lie. Until now I haven't been able to talk about Dad much and I haven't wanted to really share him either. I somehow felt (and sometimes still do) that sharing my memories of Dad was somehow giving him away or losing any case it was too painful. Now I think I can handle it in small doses at least. And if all goes well I will periodically drop a story or two in here for all to read. This is my first. I hope you enjoy it or maybe it will jog a memory of your own that you may want to share. :)

My earliest memories of Dad are of Mom yelling out "Daddy's home!" and running to hug and kiss him at the door. I was very young ; I have no idea what age I was then. Dad would hug and kiss us all (although there were only 3 of us to greet him back then and I don't know which 3 we were) and often have something to eat before taking a nap. He was a milkman; starting his day at about 2:00 am and coming home in the early afternoon. We knew at an early age that we had to be quiet when Dad was sleeping but we had no idea how hard he was working to support our family. He never complained about the hours and I never recall him saying he was tired. He just did what had to be done. Apparently that one phrase stuck with me during my life because even now I find myself saying "Mommy's home" to my dogs....and they come running to greet me too.