Whoever thought of this concept is a marketing genius! After starring at the cuties (the guy was definitely hot too) in the window 'being stupid' and enjoying every minute of it, most people were going into the store, if for no other reason than to find out exactly what they were selling in there. I was also one of the curious people and wandered in too. The first area you come in to has a woman behind a register and she looks like she's surrounded in colored plastic balls. My first thought was....they sell these stupid balls in here?? But upon further inspection (just a quick look) I found that they sold mostly hip and cool clothing..at least I'm sure the younger set would consider it so.
Most of the stuff I saw was not enticing to me at all....over priced sports items and really expensive (but not necessarily flattering) clothing items. I was out of there in less than a minute. I'm not about to pay 'stupid' money for ripped jeans when I can rip my own 'stupid' jeans myself (if I were inclined to wear ripped jeans to begin with).
So I figured out what the name of the store actually means. It means you are definitely stupid if you buy anything in that store!