Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Time Out

I haven't been this exhausted in a long time! These little darlings of mine are wearing me out. They still are great pups when they are independent of their sister but together....look out!

Nicki has already gained a reputation as the trouble maker and Bell is the sweet one. But that's because nobody sees them in action as much as I do. Bell is very capable of starting just as much trouble as Nicki does. And Bell has a determination to get to my indoor plants so she can eat dirt; remove the little planter statues and bring them to show to Nicki; tear off leaves and vines and drag them around from room to room; or just to chew on the stems of whatever helpless plant happens to be the one she can reach. I had a few moments of wondering if I should get rid of all my plants....and I decided against it. I don't want to start "accommodating" bad behavior. I'm more the type to stick it out and drive myself crazy trying to correct the behavior instead. (yeah, I know....glutton for punishment)

Nicki does start the rough housing more than Bell does....I have to admit that. Nicki just seems to have that certain spunk to her character that makes her want to do everything I don't want her to do. Often now I hear a yelp out of someone when they are "playing" and that's the time I will step in and both of them gets a "time out". I tried putting just Nicki in her pen but poor Bell will sit by the pen (like a loyal friend) and wait for Nicki to be sprung from her prison. If I put Bell in the pen Nicki will bounce up and down and bark at her (like she's taunting her) the whole while. The solution was easy...they BOTH go in their pens. Then Mom gets a break and they have time to calm down.

Above here is a picture of Satan's little Angel's in time out. The first one is Bell and the second one is Nicki. (or is it the other way around?) I TOLD you they were hard to tell apart. Ahhhhh peace and quiet and Mom gets to have a cup of tea.