The tomatoes have finally joined the production line. Maybe they felt left out, not having been planted in the garden this year. I put them in huge pots instead. They took forever to get going but I can't complain now. They are small tomatoes but they are coming. I don't remember what type they are...the tag just says "tomato"..duh! Judging by the size they are either overblown cherry tomatoes or severely stunted large tomatoes. Either way, my granddaughter loves them and she's the reason I planted them anyway. When she comes to visit...tomatoes beware!
The cucumbers are dragging their feet thus far. They are just now starting to get near a length that I could consider picking. I'm not surprised. I've had problems every year growing cukes. And this batch is no different. They all have an attitude!
The lettuce is completely out of control. I've eaten as much as I can, I've given a lot away, I just can't handle it all. Now it's starting to look like a jungle. That's fine with me. It will be rototilled under at the end of the season and that can only help the garden next year.
I have made a decision for next years garden. (I learn slowly but I do learn eventually) Next year I am planting more variety of veggies and less volume. No more than two squash plants of each kind and I'm going to add onion; potatoes; carrots; broccoli and kale...there has GOT to be kale! I've eaten it for the first time this year (yeah, I's about time. My life is full of firsts these days) and I love it. I already have mint (once you've got it you can't kill it with a stick) so next year I'll add basil and whatever other herbs might do well. (except Rosemary...I hate her!)
So overall I'm happy with the garden this year. I haven't had to do much work with it and once it got over teasing me, it has really come through like a champ.
There has been a snake spotted in my garden, but not by me. If I see it him he's gonna get his picture taken. I have nothing against snakes. They don't bother me at all...spiders are another story. As long as I don't catch any snakes eating my frogs....all is good in my little garden world.